What Is Sea Moss?

Chondrus crispus is an edible seaweed that grows in coastal regions of the Atlantic, including those in Europe and North America. Like other seaweeds, it’s a rich source of many hard-to-get nutrients.

1. May support thyroid health

Our thyroid gland is responsible for releasing hormones to help govern our growth, energy, reproduction and repair. In order to do this, the thyroid needs a number of nutrients, one of which is iodine and another the amino acid, tyrosine. Both of these nutrients are found in seaweed, although in variable levels depending on the variety and how it’s stored and prepared.

2. May support gut health

Seaweed is rich in dietary fibre, much of which is in the form of polysaccharides, a fibre we can’t digest but the bacteria in our gut can – in this way it acts as a prebiotic or food source for these beneficial gut microbes.

Fuelling the gut bacteria in this way helps create a favourable environment promoting the microbes which offer us the greatest benefits. It’s these gut bacteria which, among other things, help shape our health through their production of beneficial compounds called short chain fatty acids.

3. May support immunity

The harsh conditions of the coastal waters in which seaweed, like sea moss, have evolved to survive has meant they’ve developed an enviable defence mechanism. As such, they are rich in phytochemicals which, when consumed, provide health benefits including immune modulation and improved immune response for the consumer.

4. May improve blood sugar control

Studies suggest that including seaweed as part of a healthy, balanced diet may support blood sugar management and potentially reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. This is thanks, partly, to compounds like the carotenoid and fucoxanthin, which helps to reduce insulin resistance and support better blood sugar control. The high fibre content in seaweed also plays its part in helping slow the speed of digestion.

5. May support heart health

Seaweed, including sea moss, is one of the best plant sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for health, and especially so for the heart and cardiovascular system. Studies suggest that seaweed may improve cholesterol balance and act as a blood thinner, reducing the risk of heart disease.

It’s worth noting that although some studies examine the effects of sea moss, many use alternative species of seaweed. Therefore, more research is needed to clarify our understanding of the specific health effects of sea moss in the human diet.

Eating sea moss certainly has impressive benefits. Not only is it a rich source of heart-healthy vitamins and minerals, it also contains high levels of omega-3 and fibre. This fibre helps to balance blood sugar and promote a healthy gut. What's more, sea moss stands out from other greens because of it's ability to improve the immune system, thanks to the harsh conditions it has evolved to grow in.

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